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Marriage Kiosk



Fees & General Requirements

Couples must be here by 4 p.m. for issuance of Marriage or Civil Union License

  • Only the Jackson County Clerk and Recorder’s office may issue a marriage or civil union license using the online application listed below. We are located in the Jackson County Courthouse at 396 LaFever Street, Walden, CO 80480.
  • The fee for a marriage license or civil union license is $30. Certified copies are $1.25 each.
  • Colorado marriage licenses and civil union licenses are not valid if used outside the state of Colorado
  • The license and the certificate are on the same document. These should not be separated for any reason. The license gives the couple permission to marry or unite. The certificate documents when and where the couple married or united.
  • The license and certificate must be completed within 35 days from the date of issuance.
  • The license and certificate must be returned to the Jackson County Clerk and Recorder’s Office for recording after completion.
  • Both applicants must appear in person to complete and sign the marriage license or civil union application. If one party cannot appear, he/she must obtain an Absentee Affidavit from the Clerk and Recorder’s Office. The Absentee Affidavit must be notarized. The party whom is applying in person must bring the Absentee Affidavit and the absent party’s identification at the time of application. Copies of the absent party’s identification are also accepted.
  • Applicants do not need to be Colorado Residents to obtain a marriage license or civil union license in Colorado.
  • Applicants will be required to swear and sign under oath that all information is true and correct to the best of their knowledge.

  • Party 1 Gender (Genero) Party 1 Present Marital Status (Estado Civil Actual )
    Party 1 First Name ( Información Personal de Partido Uno) Party 1 Middle Name (Segundo nombre de Partido Uno)
    Party 1 Last Name (Apelliodo de Partido Uno) Party 1 Suffix Name (Sufijo)
    Party 1 Last name at birth if different (opt) (Apellido si es diferente al nacimiento?)
    Party 1 Street Address (Dirección de Partido Uno) Party 1 City (Ciudad)
    Party 1 State (Estado) Party 1 Zip Code (Código Postal)
    Party 1 Date of Birth (Fecha de nacimiento de Partido Uno (Mes/Dia/Anos)) Party 1 Phone (Numero de Telefono)
    Party 1 Birth City (Ciudad de nacimiento) Party 1 Birth State (Estado de nacimiento)

    Party 1 Ever Married (Casado?)
    Party 1 Previous Married Name (Nombres Apellidos)
    Party 1 Last Marriage Ended Date (Si ha estado casado, fecha final (Mes/Dia/Ano)) Party 1 Divorced/Widowed Court Type (Tipo de Corte del Divorcio )
    Party 1 Divorced/Widowed City (Cuidad del Divorcio ) Party 1 Divorced/Widowed State (Estado del Divorcio )
    Party 1 If previously in a civil union, name of former partner

    Party 1 Parent/ Guardian First (Primer Nombre del Padre) Party 1 Parent / Guardian Middle (Segundo Nombre del Padre)
    Party 1 Parent / Guardian Last (Apellidos del Padre)
    Party 1 Parent / Guardian City (Ciudad del Padre) Party 1 Parent / Guardian State (Estado del Padre)

    Party 1 Parent / Guardian First (Primer Nombre del Madre) Party 1 Parent / Guardian Middle (Segundo Nombre del Madre)
    Party 1 Parent / Guardian Last (Apellidos del Madre)
    Party 1 Parent / Guardian City (Ciudad del Madre) Party 1 Parent / Guardian State (Estado del Madre)

      PARTY 2

      Fees & General Requirements

      Couples must be here by 4 p.m. for issuance of Marriage or Civil Union License

    • Only the Jackson County Clerk and Recorder’s office may issue a marriage or civil union license using the online application listed below. We are located in the Jackson County Courthouse at 396 LaFever Street, Walden, CO 80480.
    • The fee for a marriage license or civil union license is $30. Certified copies are $1.25 each.
    • Colorado marriage licenses and civil union licenses are not valid if used outside the state of Colorado
    • The license and the certificate are on the same document. These should not be separated for any reason. The license gives the couple permission to marry or unite. The certificate documents when and where the couple married or united.
    • The license and certificate must be completed within 35 days from the date of issuance.
    • The license and certificate must be returned to the Jackson County Clerk and Recorder’s Office for recording after completion.
    • Both applicants must appear in person to complete and sign the marriage license or civil union application. If one party cannot appear, he/she must obtain an Absentee Affidavit from the Clerk and Recorder’s Office. The Absentee Affidavit must be notarized. The party whom is applying in person must bring the Absentee Affidavit and the absent party’s identification at the time of application. Copies of the absent party’s identification are also accepted.
    • Applicants do not need to be Colorado Residents to obtain a marriage license or civil union license in Colorado.
    • Applicants will be required to swear and sign under oath that all information is true and correct to the best of their knowledge.

    • Party 2 Gender (Genero) Party 2 Present Marital Status (Estado Civil Actual )
      Party 2 First Name ( Información Personal de Partido Dos) Party 2 Middle Name (Segundo nombre de Partido Uno)
      Party 2 Last Name (Apelliodo de Partido Uno) Party 2 Suffix Name (Sufijo)
      Party 2 Last name at birth if different (opt): (Apellido si es diferente al nacimiento?)
      Party 2 Street Address (Dirección de Partido Dos) Party 2 City (Ciudad)
      Party 2 State (Estado) Party 2 Zip Code (Código Postal)
      Party 2 Date of Birth (Fecha de nacimiento de Partido Dos (Mes/Dia/Anos)) Party 2 Phone (Numero de Telefono)
      Party 2 Birth City (Ciudad de nacimiento) Party 2 Birth State (Estado de nacimiento)

      Party 2 Ever Married (Casado?)
      Party 2 Previous Married Name (Nombres Apellidos)
      Party 2 Last Marriage Ended Date (Si ha estado casado, fecha final (Mes/Dia/Ano) Party 2 Divorced/Widowed Court Type (Tipo de Corte del Divorcio )
      Party 2 Divorced/Widowed City (Cuidad del Divorcio ) Party 2 Divorced/Widowed State (Estado del Divorcio )
      Party 2 If previously in a civil union, name of former partner

      Party 2 Parent / Guardian First (Primer Nombre del Padre) Party 2 Parent / Guardian Middle (Segundo Nombre del Padre)
      Party 2 Parent / Guardian Last (Apellidos del Padre)
      Party 2 Parent / Guardian City (Ciudad del Padre) Party 2 Parent / Guardian State (Estado del Padre)

      Party 2 Parent / Guardian First (Primer Nombre del Madre) Party 2 Parent / Guardian Middle (Segundo Nombre del Madre)
      Party 2 Parent / Guardian Last (Apellidos del Madre)
      Party 2 Parent / Guardian City (Ciudad del Madre) Party 2 Parent / Guardian State (Estado del Madre)

        2024 - Marriage Kiosk